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  1. C

    Adding folders to PATH

    Thanks a lot for this... I have been trying to figure that one out for a while. I saved your post for future references! In my .xinitrc, I was using this: PATH="$PATH:/sw/bin" ; export PATH It seemed to work since when I am using a X terminal, I could launch apps that were in the /sw/bin...
  2. C

    Adding folders to PATH

    I am sorry but I did not understood half of your message... I am not very experienced with unix-alike OS and I am not very familiar with the CLI (although I have learned a lot over the past few weeks). My current path is this (got this by typing env | grep PATH...
  3. C

    Adding folders to PATH

    How can we modify the path? The reason I ask is because with Fink, everything is installed in a folder called /sw. That folder now contains: GNUstep doc fink info libexec sbin src bin etc include lib man share var I would like to make the bin and man folders part...
  4. C

    HELP (fink, X windows, GNOME, and a window manager)

    Here are a few answers (I hope): 1. I think gnome is now yet compatible with Darwin. Check those sites for more info: and 2. I managed to install several window managers including: - Enlightenment - Oroborus - WindowMaker -...
  5. C

    MacGimp 1.2 and Xfree86 4.1.0

    I don't know how much background you have with unix so I will not be brief! I am a newbie myself and I had to go through this not so long ago. I will be happy to save you some of the pain... The downloadable version of MacGimp is supposed to install Oroborus, a limited but adequate window...
  6. C


    On their site, they claim it can be done so I gave it a try... There are several libraries that needs to be built first. I was able to build some of them. Libconv, however gives me the following error: /usr/bin/ld: ../libcharset/lib/localcharset.lo truncated or malformed object (mach...
  7. C


    Anybody tried to build Abiword on Darwin ( Can it even be build on Darwin? It would be nice to have an nice open-source native word processor... I am getting sick of using M$Word in Classic... Colddiver
  8. C

    compiling eterm

    I downloaded the 0.9 and tried again and this time, it worked even if I still got the "missing imlib" error in the configure phase. I probably screwed the 0.8 configure file during my previous attempts. Time to try something else! Thank you very much for your help. Colddiver
  9. C

    compiling eterm

    I was able to go a little further but I still got some errors. I think most of the problems arise because Fink installed most of my stuff in /sw/*. The compiler does not seem to find everything it needs. I added /sw/ to many paths in the configure file and I was able to get a little further...
  10. C

    compiling eterm

    ... where do you specify those commands? It may seem very obvious to you but this is the first time I am trying to compile an application without using fink! Do you input those at the configure phase? Did you change the source code in any way? Thanks a lot for your patience... I am...
  11. C

    compiling eterm

    Could you elaborate on this a little more? Colddiver
  12. C

    compiling eterm

    I installed Xfree, fink, gimp and enlightenment (and a whole bunch of wm as well) and I am currently trying to compile eterm (the "nix" theme I use with enlightenment seems to use it a lot in the preconfigured buttons). I downloaded the tarball and did: ./configure...
  13. C

    Background image in .dmg?

    Humm... I tried using the View Options as you suggested and it didn't work. I will try again... in the meantime, if someone know a more reliable way to do this, I would like to know. Colddiver
  14. C

    Background image in .dmg?

    Anyone found a way to insert a background image in a .dmg disk image (a la OmniGroup - see OmniWeb.dmg for an example)? I have noticed that the image is in an invisible folder called .windowbg (the image itself being called .windowbg.jpeg). I tried replicating that folder (and its...
  15. C

    Troubleshooting FW drives using X

    With the upcoming release of OSX, I decided to make some changes to my PB configuration... I bought a 20 Gig FW hard drive and then decided to replace the internal 12 Gig HD of my PB with the drive present in the FW case (and put the 12 Gig in the FW case). I find it more convenient to have a...