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  1. dricci

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Why would anybody want to see Star Wars? :confused: *ducks* :D
  2. dricci

    Need client... (free website!!!)

    You could hunt down garbage posters with a baseball bat? That may be an effective deterrent :D
  3. dricci

    What Mac related news sites to you go to?

    MacNN MacMinute MacCentral MacRumors MacSlash Think Secret Spy Mac CARS AtAT (When it's not DEAD)
  4. dricci

    Should I run a 10.2 beta?

    Just an FYI, I have a 500 iBook with the same specs as yours and I put jaguar on it.. I really didn't see too big of a difference. It really seemed the same as 10.1.4, I hear the 600 MHz + people see a difference though, I guess because of the faster bus and such.
  5. dricci

    Software installation

    I suggest getting the most recent final developer tools disk image off of the Apple Developer Connection site. The 10.0 developer tool discs are very outdated. You could throw them out or use them as coasters if you wanted, really :D
  6. dricci

    The Happy Birthday Thread!

    I thought I'd make a "congrats" thread for birthdays. Whenever a forum member has a birthday, post it here! Let's see how long we can keep it going (now is the time to start profile surfing!) To start off: Happy Birthday Kjetil (ksv) ! :D
  7. dricci

    Problems with

    I've never had any issues with downloading attachments through or webmail. I'm not sure what is causing your problem, except maybe a bad attachment? I really don't know.
  8. dricci

    Problems with

    A specific file? All attachments? Which types?
  9. dricci

    Jaguar Observations...

    Stranger things have happened :D I may be able to provide Jaguar shots for anyone who requests something, but I will be wiping my iBook soon and just sticking with 10.1.5.
  10. dricci

    Xserve page Confirms 10.1.5 (Server)

    On the Xserve Apple Store page (Not the /xserve/ page) the specifications clearly state "Mac OS X Server software v. 10.1.5" This is the first time 10.1.5 has been mentioned officially by Apple. It was, however, seen in the on-stage demo control software, but not aknowledged officially by...
  11. dricci

    iChat, uChat, they don't chat with AIM

    Coincedence? You Decide...
  12. dricci

    iChat in OSX 10.1

    I tried getting it to work today, I even copied all the 10.2 iChat-related frameworks and it still didn't work, it gave me some Cocoa errors in the system console log. So I believe it's compiled to be 10.2 only, even if the frameworks are there.
  13. dricci

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    Ah, the sweet sound of Justice. :D
  14. dricci

    Office 2001 on MacOS X

    You'll have to run it under classic mode in OS X since it's an OS 9-specific app. Office v. X is designed to run in OS X native.
  15. dricci

    iChat, uChat, they don't chat with AIM

    Exactly what it's aimed at. Apple knows more tech savvy people will know how to use different apps for different protocols, iChat just makes things easier for people who want to stay in touch with their AIM using friends (the majority of online users). And from what I've seen with iChat thus...
  16. dricci

    ‘Copy-proof’ CDs not copy proof.

    That may be possible with different CD-reader hardware, but I don't think it'd be standard, so in the long run just as bad as the copy protected audio discs. Isn't it true that audio tape music is cheaper than CD music? If so, then couldn't you just buy tapes and download high quality MP3...
  17. dricci

    Are you anti-frames?

    Yes, frames are evil. They had their place in the Mid/Late 90s but it's 2002 and people can be a little more creative (no offense :) Have you looked into using something such as server side includes?
  18. dricci word association!

  19. dricci

    iChat, uChat, they don't chat with AIM

    Well, I'm sure Apple has special relations with AOL now, so they only chose AIM. AIM has the most users of any service, and I'm sure AOL is willing to let Apple tie into their features in the future like voice chat, and who knows, maybe video conferencing using MPEG-4. ICQ wouldn't be as...
  20. dricci

    Link badge

    I like Bling Bling's banner, but it doesn't have a ".com" on it so people won't figure out it goes to unless they click on it.