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  1. eric2006

    .vob, .bup .ifo files

    Try copying the DVD files to your hard drive, and creating a new DVD with this: extra:
  2. eric2006

    Transfering Dreamweaver data from 8600 to G4

    You would need a SCSI to USB converter, like: or search...
  3. eric2006

    2 Questions.

    NVU is a nice open source HTML/site editor as well.
  4. eric2006

    Mac OS X Powerpoint

    What version of OS X and PowerPoint are you using? What exactly are you trying to do?
  5. eric2006

    Finally the promised Airport Extreme Disk

    Time Capsule is necessary for anyone who wants the iStack. It's probably faster too.
  6. eric2006

    Funky problem with 10.3.9, please read

    I don't think your airport and ethernet problems are related, but they certainly are causing the same problem. For your AirPort, open the case and look for the card, make sure the antenna is seated correctly. Try creating a new location - I don't remember how you do this exactly on Panther...
  7. eric2006

    MacBook Pro won't boot.

    I would also suggest repairing the disk, but i'm not sure how much this will help if you have tried booting from another system with the same results. It would be helpful, however, as you could find if you can still boot off a CD. Are you sure you are booting from the secondary system, and the...
  8. eric2006

    Smartboard Dead, Need to Access Drive

    You can a. Pray that Firewire Target Disk Mode works: or b. Pull the internal HDD, plant it in an enclosure:
  9. eric2006

    Transfering Dreamweaver data from 8600 to G4

    Low End Mac is an excellent resource for using older macs. Here's an article they had with several transfer methods:
  10. eric2006

    iDVD burn error# -34506

    Here's something from Apple's discussions: iDVD prefs will be in /users/(you)/library/preferences/ delete the pref file when iDVD is closed - it will respawn on its own...
  11. eric2006

    iPodRip Quits/Beachball Won't Go Away!

    Have you been using iPodRip before this successfully? Repairing permissions probably won't help much in this situation, but you can try to reset the application by deleting its preference file. More info on that here: I'm not really sure what you're saying -...
  12. eric2006

    connecting external monitor to Mac book pro

    I find that my PowerBook dislikes having an external monitor if it's not plugged in. Is the MacBook Pro connected to the AC adapter as well as your peripherals?
  13. eric2006

    Movies on Mac OS X

    Record the desktop? Here's some:
  14. eric2006

    My Macbook has the question mark folder. No OS

    The boot manager (option key) should show up regardless of whether the hard drive is installed correctly. Make sure the keyboard works, and try an external one if possible. Make sure you are pressing the key immediately after the bootup chime.
  15. eric2006

    Your startup disk is almost full...

    OS X will use hard drive space for virtual RAM, which can take up a large amount of free space. This, however, should clear on a reboot. It's also possible that it's some log files going out of control, try running a maintenance/cleaning program such as Onyx. Filevault can also cause low-space...
  16. eric2006

    new software for old mac? G4

    I think there is a flash demo here: It might say "this is not supported", and run anyways, or it might just not let you work. I would try that an see if it works as well as you need it to.