Search results

  1. eric2006

    MBP/Airport won't play nice with wireless router

    Can you access the router's web-based configuration through ethernet? If so, try changing the channel that your wireless is operating on. Verify that SSID broadcasting is enabled.
  2. eric2006

    Macbook and Netgear Problem?

    There seems to be a lot of people having issues with this router. I would check for any updates to the router, then reset it, and create a new configuration. You can also try creating a new location in your network preferences, and re-entering the required information.
  3. eric2006

    Problem with iPhoto --are images really there?

    One quick thing to try would be to rebuild the database, as documented here: If you still have issues, it would help to know how you migrated these photos, possibly checking permissions on them as well.
  4. eric2006

    Filevault Stability

    The main issue is that, if something goes wrong, all the data in your home folder. Additionally, encrypting media files such as video, photos and music is usually not necessary and can slow down things. However, it is possible to encrypt important data by creating a secure disk image in Disk...
  5. eric2006

    Can RAM from Dell work on my Mac?

    Looking up both computers on Crucial, it seems that they use the same memory, so it might work, but Apple computers tend to be more picky about generic RAM.
  6. eric2006

    iPhone ate all my pictures

    Try adding new high-resolution pictures, then using mobileme and your iPhone, to see if one is the culprit. Additionally, try reverting to an original - it should be an option if you right-click an image.
  7. eric2006

    RAM trouble with a MacBook... of course.

    Apple recommends installing memory in pairs (i.e. 2x1GB), however, OWC reports that unmatched pairs outperform matched pairs with less capacity. So, you should be flying with a 2/1 setup.
  8. eric2006

    I am using mac 0sx version 10.4.11

    You need to install classic, or use a machine that has OS 9. If you have an intel machine, you're out of luck.
  9. eric2006

    Video/ Ichat help? Please!?

    If you have a specific error #, it may help, but I have found that routers are the most common culprit when dealing with iChat errors. Depending on your router, you can forward the ports, enable NAT, or setup a DMZ. If you do have a router and aren't sure how to configure it, we may be able to...
  10. eric2006

    Monitor HP w1907 w MacBook

    It looks like your monitor was recognized, and is acting as an extended desktop. You can change the behavior of your multiple-monitor setup in System Preferences, under displays. If you'd like to use the monitor instead of the macbook's screen, you can attach an external keyboard and mouse to...
  11. eric2006

    Powerbook G4 won't boot properly/wake

    To reset the PMU, you need to turn off the computer, then disconnect the battery and power cable. Once the computer is shut down, press and hold the power button for 5 seconds, then replace the battery and cable and restart. You should make sure your battery holds a charge and your power...
  12. eric2006

    Photoshop Suddenly Won't Open

    Can you delete the TWAIN plugin from the TWAIN directory? There should be a folder for it in the applications folder for photoshop.
  13. eric2006

    Is possible download OS X Leopard

    Archive and Install might be the easiest solution at this point.
  14. eric2006

    New Clones

    It won't be long now..
  15. eric2006

    "" - what remedy on a Mac?

    How many computers are on your network/ip?
  16. eric2006

    Hard Drive going to crash soon?

    What kind of computer do you have? Most hard drive make noises before they die, or Disk Utility finds an error it cannot fix. It'd be easier to figure out what's wrong with the specs of your computer, version of Bootcamp, etc. The BIOs is emulated by Bootcamp, I believe.
  17. eric2006

    How to Migrate from a Dead iMac G5?

    A firewire hard drive is bootable, so you could actually boot into the old system. Migration assistant should work as well, but I can't find MA's detailed specs. Leopards MA claims it can use "another startup disk attached to this mac" (second of three source options)
  18. eric2006

    Replacing iBookG4 monitor

    iBook screens would be here: You can probably also buy a replacement from iFixit.
  19. eric2006

    Print ONLY selected text from webpage
  20. eric2006

    Print ONLY selected text from webpage

    In Firefox, I have the option "print selected only" in the Print menu.