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  1. eric2006

    Graphics Nightmare on Leo....

    Do the lines show up in screenshots? If so, post one. (apple-shift-3 or 4). If not, you have a hardware issue.
  2. eric2006

    15'' Powerbook G4 Aluminum will not start

    They will always look at it for free, but from what I understand, they can't open it up and look at it. Still, they may get a better idea of what's wrong if they see the machine.
  3. eric2006

    make a user account invisible/hidden??

    I know that you can do this in Tiger, but not sure if it will work in Panther:
  4. eric2006

    Burn on a PC from a Mac?!

    I was under the impression that the sharing was only for the MBA, but I could be wrong. A better solution would be to burn an image on the Mac and burn it on the PC.
  5. eric2006

    15'' Powerbook G4 Aluminum will not start

    If you bring it to a genius out of applecare, all they can do is look at it - opening it, replacing or servicing hardware will be expensive.
  6. eric2006

    Super Delay in Printing after 10.5.2 update plz help

    Have you tried deleting then re-installing the printer? Are you using the driver that came with the printer, OS X, or something else? Check the manufacturer for an updated driver if you haven't.
  7. eric2006

    FTP getting timed out

    I am aware of that, but the link you listed isn't working, so I don't know what that guide said. edit: found the guide, which looks like it was written for 10.3 or 10.4, try the guide I posted, or the changes in it. For example, there is no netinfo manager in 10.5, you need to use system...
  8. eric2006

    FTP getting timed out

    I can't see your link. Is this what you did? The below link is specifically for 10.5, so you may want to check it if you followed older instructions.
  9. eric2006

    help with privacy between users and other things

    Make sure that the second account is not an admin account. All your data should be in /users/you. Anything not in your user folder may be accessible. If you change your account's folder name, you will cause problems. As for your poker setup, whatever you play it with is probably keeping a cache...
  10. eric2006


    The unfilled battery symbol means that the iPod doesn't have enough charge to connect. Try leaving it connected for a few hours, and make sure it is connected to a powered USB port, or an iPod charger. Or course, if you have tried this, a component is damaged. Does the iPod work on battery at all?
  11. eric2006

    Getting a Mac G3

    Technically it can, but with large files, or youtube, it will be very slow/choppy.
  12. eric2006

    Getting a Mac G3

    The issue isn't how the port is setup, it's how much data the port is designed to handle. Most 2.0 devices will work slowly on a 1.1 port.
  13. eric2006

    15'' Powerbook G4 Aluminum will not start

    If you can test a different battery, you can get a better idea of what part of the system is broken. Here's a FAQ for broken startup hardware, with related replacements:
  14. eric2006

    Stopping DVD player from opening automatically

    You can change that in system preferences:
  15. eric2006

    Firewire camcorders

    some supported camcorders: That's iMovie '08. iMovie HD doesn't have as much support for hard-drive based camcorders.
  16. eric2006

    login as root user, how?

    You should see this:
  17. eric2006

    Getting a Mac G3

    Some G3s support 2.0, but not yours. If they aren't backwards-compatible, they won't work.
  18. eric2006

    15'' Powerbook G4 Aluminum will not start

    Yeah, still, this looks like it could be a fried or disconnected power module, and sometimes you need battery power to start up.
  19. eric2006

    Getting a Mac G3

    You can run iTunes, just not the latest. The problem with iTunes is that you have a very small (4 gb?) hard drive, so there's not a whole lot of space for music. Also, you have USB 1.1 ports, so while you can hook up an external drive, it may not work with rich files.
  20. eric2006

    Blinking windows issues

    Are you running PS on Windows? If so, through what? Bootcamp? Can you recreate the problem with fewer or one app running? Just trying to narrow down the problem.