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  1. eric2006

    new software for old mac? G4

    you'd want an older version unless you are upgrading in the near future.
  2. eric2006

    iMac getting progressively slower

    read everything here: notably, desktop icons are treated as windows and slow down your computer a lot (leopard maybe different?) Also, look at console to see if there's any repeating errors.
  3. eric2006

    Desperately seeking fast networking for InDesign workgroup

    The laptop will be good as a file server, but it will be even better if you have at least 1 GB of RAM in there.
  4. eric2006

    Drive wont mount!

    How are you getting the G3 to see the "big drives"? It's not going to be friendly with drives over 128 GB without third-party hardware/software.
  5. eric2006

    viewing other computer's screens live

    For the record, I think you can use ARD with Windows clients, but they won't support all the features (because they are running VNC). from apple:
  6. eric2006

    DVD Player won't play my DVD

    I'm not sure how you burned this, but if you just burned a .mov file, it's not going to work.
  7. eric2006

    Flashing Folder/Disc Utility

    If you have an external drive, you can use Carbon Copy Cloner or another cloning program to copy your system off, reformat the system drive, then copy it back on.
  8. eric2006

    Need to change the IP address on my Airport Base Station

    If you have a dynamic IP, you should get a new IP when you restart your modem. Otherwise, you need to talk with your ISP to get a new IP.
  9. eric2006

    Powerbook G4 powers on but won't boot

    I recommend you archive and install, then use the combo updater: You could try to repair permissions, repair disk, start in safe mode, etc, but an archive and install will only take ~ an hour, and there's lots of things that...
  10. eric2006

    Firefox 3 on Mac - Fast & Safari "Look"

    It seems to be fast on PPC as well, but this last update killed flashblock.
  11. eric2006

    Apple needs to spend

    Microsoft. Has Apple ever bought anyone, other than NeXT? related:
  12. eric2006

    odd DIY CD problem

    Verify "Automatically retrieve song names... " is checked. This will only name cds that are in the database.
  13. eric2006

    USB Error

    Have you seen this?
  14. eric2006

    Closest alternative for Internet Explorer?

    I would try using Firefox. There's an addon that can fool sites and make them think you have IE.
  15. eric2006

    Password Issue M5521 Imac

    If it's from a G5, it's probably just the "classic" disk, which is not a system disk. You need a generic 9.2 disk, or a 10.2, 10.3 or 10.4 disk. 10.3 or .4 would be best, OS 9 is not supported by much of anything anymore.
  16. eric2006

    itunes freezes my mac

    Try deleting the preference file for iTunes in /users/you/preferences, or rebuild your library:
  17. eric2006

    Can you recommend a 35 mm slide scanner?

    I have a Konica Minolta slide scanner which has worked very well. I use it with VueScan.
  18. eric2006

    Problems transferring HD via Target Mode

    Are you using an Apple keyboard, and do you have an Open Firmware password?