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  1. bballphoto

    Total Annihlation in Classic

    Hey all, I used to play TA on the PC all the time and see the Mac version is available cheep. My question is simple; does anyone know if this will run in Classic under 10.2 and if so, can you play over the network either TCP/IP or Internet? Any info would be great. Thanks, RM
  2. bballphoto

    Quake 3 Demo OS X?

    Does anyone (I'm sure everyone but me) know where to get the Quake 3 Demo that runs in OS X? I see that there was a test version 1.3 that is listed all over the place, but all links lead back to the ID FTP and they don't have it posted anymore. If anyone has a link that works, I would greatly...
  3. bballphoto

    Powerbook G4 won't accept OS X Login Info

    I recently allowed my Powerbook G4 667 to run out of battery life while in standby mode. I guess it didn't like that. Now when I boot I get a login screen saying the name of the computer and the user is listed as "other." When I click on the user icon it takes me to a second dialog asking for...