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  1. B

    Wierd installer behavior.

    I've searched the net and can't find any reference to this strange problem. When I click on a package to install it, nothing happens. When I choose "open with" my installer program is under two "files" both are "c9kn29.html" I need to choose the regular installer program to work since...
  2. B

    Seeing files in a zipped archive

    New win to Mac switcher here. I can't seem to find a program that will let me see the list of files in an zipped archive. Is there something out there?
  3. B

    New to Mac; Lost Disk Utility

    I switched a month ago from win to Mac. Still using Tiger, though I have the disk to upgrade to Leopard. I've asked for help on the Apple forum without luck. Hope someone here has advice. When I tried to install a printer I discovered that "Disk Utilities" has disappeared from my...