Search results

  1. sredhead

    LaCie Hard drive won't mount on Desk top

    I tried to overwrite a LaCie external HD with zero's using Disk Utility but cancelled the process soon after it started due to the 7 hours shown for the process. Now the LaCie disk doesn't show in Disk repair or on the desk top. Is there anyway to mount this hard disk? I tried to find some...
  2. sredhead

    Note pad delux crash

    My computer crashed whilst running Note Pad Delux. I missed to click the rebuild database box that is shown after rebooting. Now Note Pad Delux shows system error -199 when I try to open the file. Does anyone have any ideas how to open this obviously damabed data base?
  3. sredhead

    How to edit URL bar autofill

    When I start to type a URL in the URL box in Safari a drop down list appears of visited sites. How do I edit or delete this list. I tried to reset safari and also turn off auto fill but these methods don't work.
  4. sredhead

    Removal of unused Languages

    There was a utility for OS 10.3.9 that would remove unused languages thereby freeing up HD space. Is any such utility available for OS10.4?
  5. sredhead

    Ibook over heating - Airport card effect

    Recently my wife's Ibook, 900 MHz, chip Power PC 750 (2.3) is getting really hot after 30 minutes of operation. The area left of the finger pad, under where your left hand is, is extremely hot. The airport card disconnects the connection and the network is competely lost lost. The system...
  6. sredhead

    iPod wont mount in iTunes or on Desk top

    When I plug my ipod to my computer, there is a little magnifying glass and a CD icon that appears on my ipod icon, when it finishes doing that, theres an exclamation mark with a CD on my ipod icon so it never actually connects to my computer. I can't reinstall the iPod's software because the...
  7. sredhead

    Airport Hi-Jack

    After disconnecting from the net via internet connect, then closing down the airport connection to my Snow base station and turning off my computer you would think that all is well. Next day I find the lights on the base station flashing like crazy like their is heavy network activity. If I boot...
  8. sredhead

    iSight - is it blind?

    All set up with my iSignt camera and iChat AV - but can't get success to video conference with someone using a windows machine? If so what programs should they use - having difficulty to find programs on friends Windows machines that can communicate with iChat AV. Vice versa, I can't find...
  9. sredhead

    iChat audio in Panther

    iChat in Panther can support AV chat - but actually I would just like to use voice only to talk to family overseas - to save 'phone cost. After reading the set-up for iChat I can only find how to set up AV chat with camera - any ideas how to set up a iChat audio only link would be welcome.
  10. sredhead

    Hard drive transfer

    I have a Lime ibook that won't boot anymore - someone in the forums said it appeared to be a logic board issue, but I would like to get the data from the HD. I also have a tangerine iBook and I was wondering if I could transfer the HD across - just concerned if the BIOS in the tangerine iBook...
  11. sredhead

    Dead iBook

    Over 6 months I had trouble with my Lime iBook. until finally it has become completely unbootable. While using the iBook it would suddenly just stop like it had been turned off. Resetting the power management chip and the pram worked for a few times this happened - and the machine would be all...
  12. sredhead

    Hard drive crash - Help

    Recently my hard drive crashed on my Ibook. Apple Japan replaced it, but I lost all my data, passwords, and files. The cost was yen 50,000 about $600. I asked them for the old drive and they requested Yen 90,000 about $1000 for it; they said they recycle them. The total would then be $1600...
  13. sredhead

    Airport auto connects by itself

    Airport connects to the internet automatically, irrespective of whether the computer is on or not. When the computer is on the internet connect icon on the menu shows a connection, after disconnect it will continue to reconnect by itself. No internet related software is running (happens even in...