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  1. F

    RealBASIC question

    I am trying to write a simple war game - tile based. Each unit has several characteristics that I would like to store in some sort of custom array but I have not been able to work out how. Fow instance, each unit has the following characteristics: - Name (string) - Cost (integer) -...
  2. F

    Converting VB projects to RealBASIC

    I am attempting to port a game that is written in VB to the mac using RB (I have the authors permission and access to the source code to do so). I thought I would be able to use VBPC to convert the VB files and then just correct the errors that were found - how wrong was I! VBPC doesn't...
  3. F

    RealBASIC question

    Hi, I hope somebody can help me out as I really am struggling with something that is probably fairly simple. To simplify things, I have 2 edit fields - one named InputField, the other name OutputField. InputField has multiline OFF and is not styled. OutputField is multiline ON, is styled...
  4. F

    iPhoto icon has changed!

    Hi, I upgraded to iPhoto 4.0.1 and my iPhoto icon on the dock switched to the generic icon and the app wouldn't launch. I repaired the permissions and now iPhoto launches fine but the icon still remains generic (both on the dock and in Applications). How can I restore the camera icon? Many...