Search results

  1. S

    Disk Utility RAID Uh Oh...

    Mac Pro wouldn't boot this morning; looks like the 2-drive Disk Utility (v11.1) mirrored RAID pair is degraded. Running 10.5.8 (until today) on two identical Seagate ST3750330AS 750 Gb SATA drives. Trying to get the intact RAID member to serve as a Restore source, I repartitioned the...
  2. S

    Bootable RAID for Leopard?

    Can Leopard boot from a RAID 1 pair (or three, or four...) of drives? I suppose they must be internal drives, if possible at all? I run a SATA host card that uses a driver for external drives; this would have to load prior to the system being available on any RAID running on those drives....
  3. S

    Gen1 MacPro Won't Boot

    Boss told us to shut down our workstations over weekends to save power... now my 1st gen MacPro won't boot up this morning. In Single-User boot I get "ssssssSi3124::SetPowerState (0x370e000,0->1) timed out after 10111 ms" message. I can use the original Tiger instll disk to get into Disk...
  4. S

    Run Leopard on a 2x800 MHz G4?

    Can it be made to work, despite Apple's caveats?
  5. S

    1st Gen 20" Studio Display (on GeForce 7300 GT)

    How can I? The point being I'm running two desktop Macs currently, one (2x800 MHz) exclusively for legacy apps now "runnable" on Leopard. I can use the second monitor to good advantage if I can locate an adapter to plug it into my Mac Pro's 2nd graphics card port. Suggestions, links...
  6. S

    'Empty" Routing Table?

    IT guys suffered a network config burp last week, one of my remote (Florida) Macs now won't connect to our (Chicago) servers. Report is that this Mac's Network Utility's "Display routing table information" won't display at all. Is it as simple as tossing the <>...
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    GUID vs. APM on Intel Macs?

    Apple recommends GUID partition mapping for drives to boot Intel Macs. I've had a Mac Pro for over a year now; Apple Partition Map works for boot drives on it just fine. Why is GUID superior for Intel Macs over the PowerPC-recommended APM mapping format?
  8. S

    Shared Volumes on Leopard?

    Any way under Leopard to get shared volumes (networked or remote machine) to "stick" in the new Finder? The new method of accessing shared volumes is way too intrusive to my workflow: I access several shared volumes on various servers frequently when sending files to print to multiple RIPS...
  9. S

    10.4.10 - One Account Stalls in Spotlight

    Got one designer's G5 (running 10.4.10) that appears to hang in Spotlight when we attempt to log into her user account. I can get into an Admin account, or Root, but the one she wishes to use stalls at the screen-saver image. Only Spotlight's little spyglass appears in the menu bar at top...
  10. S

    G5 Boots, Just Not Into Primary User Anymore

    Co-worker crashed G5 while in Excel. G5 (10.4.10) now won't boot into her account. Boots thru log-in screen (& other Users work OK, including Root) but Beach Ball cursor & a magnifying glass at upper right screen corner, with her Desktop Picture of Choice as a background, is where it stalls...
  11. S

    Entourage as Default Mail Client?

    How can this be enabled please? Nevermind... I found it: MAIL/Prefs/General/Default Email Reader