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  1. D

    Anyone else have trouble with Quicktime?

    I've been using Macs for years and know the software pretty well but I'm by no means an expert. Maybe I'm overlooking something simple but I've not been able to get Quicktime to work in OS X on any of the macs I've tried. This includes my home system and 3 different computers at work. They will...
  2. D

    Adobe Bridge is falling down

    I have been getting more and more involved with using Adobe Bridge for different things and am really impressed with the way it integrates all of applications in CS2. However, it crashes alot. Is anyone else having this problem or know if there is a way to resolve this. I searched for a patch...
  3. D

    Vector based software question

    I'm an occasional reader of this forum but I know you guys know your stuff. I really need some advice and apologize if I am way out of the loop as far as current events. I'm a designer and I regularly use vector based software for drawing logos, icons, etc... Since I learned Coreldraw way...
  4. D

    Mac Os X Frustration

    I'm no computer expert but I usually am able to set up my software or system to function and usually dont have any problems. Ever since I have intalled Tiger, half the things don't work. When I installed I did a clean installation as my hard drive had to be replaced. Anyway I cant get any...