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  1. C

    Invalid memory access at ...

    Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) Model M8570 Ethernet ID:000393D1B2A4 1GHZ/512MB/120GB HD/DVD-R/CDRW/R9000PRO/KYVD MAC OS X when My Mac starts I get the following error: Invalid memory access at %SRR0: 000101cf %SRR1: 010cff6 Apple PowerMac3,6 4.5.7f1 BootRom built on 01/15/03 at...
  2. C

    Firmware memory error - help

    Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) Model M8570 Ethernet ID:000393D1B2A4 1GHZ/512MB/120GB HD/DVD-R/CDRW/R9000PRO/KYVD MAC OS X when My Mac starts I get the following error: Invalid memory access at %SRR0: 000101cf %SRR1: 010cff6 Apple PowerMac3,6 4.5.7f1 BootRom built on 01/15/03 at...