Search results

  1. Veljo

    MacBook Pro woes

    This has come up out of nowhere, but for some reason whenever my battery reaches say 70%, or 64%, or something random like that, my MacBook Pro will instantly turn off. No sleeping, no warning, just instant off. It will then not turn on unless I plug it into a power source. Now it will work...
  2. Veljo


    How can I retrieve the photos taken with my iPhone and put them on my Mac?
  3. Veljo

    MacBook keyboard

    A friend of mine just got a brand new MacBook delivered custom made, and periodically his K, I, 8, 0 and , keys (I think) don't work. Apple suggested he reset the PRAM which he did, then they work, then they randomly don't but a restart fixes the problem temporarily. Any ideas?
  4. Veljo


    Seeing as I really respect the opinions of those who surf these forums, I thought I'd post a small question here and get your opinions. I want to buy a MacBook for my girlfriend for university as soon as possible, but I'm also considering waiting till mid year in case something better comes...
  5. Veljo

    Vista and MacBook Pro

    I've recently scored myself a free copy of Vista Home Premium and Office 2007 by completing some Microsoft training. Now I'm wanting to install Vista on my MacBook Pro using Boot Camp, what kind of issues will I run into? Has anyone installed it on their C2D MacBook Pro? Will it install right...
  6. Veljo

    802.11n Enabler with MacBook

    I've used the enabler on my Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro without a problem, but it isn't working on my sister's 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook. The requirements state that only the 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo iMac won't take the update, yet when I try to install it on my sister's MacBook it tells me that the...
  7. Veljo

    Weird graphic (System Preferences) & cursor

    Lately my Sharing system preference has gone all strange (see the picture attached). Also, my cursor no longer has a shadow under it and resembles that of OS 9. Any ideas on how to fix both of my problems?
  8. Veljo

    MacTheRipper equivalent

    I need a program that will rip a DVD straight to my hard disk and remove all CSS/Macrovision protection, much like MacTheRipper. The reason I'm not happy with MacTheRipper is that it's not universal, and it takes over 40 minutes per disc which is terrible.
  9. Veljo

    MacBook Pro randomly not charging

    I've come across two different occasions when my MacBook Pro has refused to charge. If the battery is at say 74% I plug the MagSafe connector in, the light stays green and it says Charged in the menu. The only way I can get it to charge again is to take the battery out and click it back in...
  10. Veljo

    Core 2 Duo MBP + Kernel Panics

    A few days ago I tried installing Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 in Boot Camp: it worked, until I got to the point when it had to restart. I got your regular Windows "could not start because of a hardware error message", so I decided to delete my Boot Camp partition and try Parallels. Anyway...
  11. Veljo

    Word problems, need urgent resolution

    I wasn't sure where to post this, but I guess this will do. Anyway I've just installed Office 2004 on my new Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, and updated it to the latest 11.3 version via Microsoft AutoUpdate. Everything works fine, except when I try to paste something into Word the program crashes...
  12. Veljo

    Front Row on older Macs

    I'm not sure if this has been done before (probably has), but has anyone here successfully installed Front Row onto an older Mac without a remote? I did tonight, and I must say it's something new and fun to play with until I get myself a new MacBook Pro. It runs surprisingly smooth as well on...
  13. Veljo

    Mac OS X Folder Icon

  14. Veljo

    Networking between Mac OS X and Windows XP

  15. Veljo

    Weird problems

  16. Veljo

    10.5 Finder's Tabbed Browsing

    Not sure if this has been already posted in the past or not, but did anyone know that the Finder in Leopard will have tabbed browsing? I've seen a movie and some screenshots of it, but I haven't posted them here in case there were legal issues. Still cool nonetheless.
  17. Veljo

    Mac dying?

    I've been noticing lately that the hard disk in my iMac is becoming increasingly slower, and error prone. I recently had to fix a major error that came up out of nowhere using Disk Utility. The entire system also freezes every time I verify the disk; I can't even move the cursor till it's done...
  18. Veljo

    Exporting in iPhoto

    I recently got my hands on a copy of iPhoto 6 to help out a friend make a basic slideshow of photos for burning onto a DVD. Problem is that I can only find an option that exports the video at a maximum of 640 x 480 in size, with a rather poor codec. Because I'm burning a PAL DVD, I'm looking to...