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  1. S

    Voice Memo Recorder for Macbook

    Hi, I am looking for an easy to use and cheap Voice Memo recorder for my Macbook. My main requirements are for me to easily record voice memos on my mac and then retrieve them and possibly e-mail them or assign to iCal for scheduled to-do's. Also for others to leave me a message. I do not...
  2. S

    Connecting MacMini(PPC G4) to TV?

    Hi all, I have an early model Mac Mini (PPC G4, Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.7), which I used, for watching Videos on my TV (non-HDTV; I know I know, I am behind the times !!). I used Apple's DVI to S-video adapter and it used to work fine. That is till this week, when a neighbours kid tinkered with...
  3. S

    Hotmail stopped working with MacfreePops!?!

    Hi all, I am using MacfreePOPS v1.6, with freepops v. 0.98, alongside on Mac OS 10.4.6(PPC). Previously, my had allowed me to check my Hotmail account (please see my previous question; thanks! Vinko). Recently, I found that though my Yahoo! and other accounts can still be...
  4. S

    New Switcher, problems (Hotmail/Yahoo! in apple's Mail)

    Hello everybody, I am a recent switcher and extremely thankful for it! The new developments since (Intel, Boot Camp etc.) have me very excited. My problem is that I have a Hotmail and a Yahoo! mail account (used at work). Unfortunately, I am unable to read my e-mail using Apple's included...