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  1. J

    old iPod updaters

  2. J

    old iPod updaters

    Hi all - Anyone know where I can find the old iPod updater 1.2.6 for MacOSX. I'm having problems with 1.3 and would like to go back... Peace. Joel
  3. J


    Hi all - I'm done with one project and nearing the beginning of another. In the meantime, I thought I'd do some directory cleaning. (It's been way too long...) And what did I find? A whole mess of MacWrite documents. I used to have MacWrite, but that was about seven computers ago...
  4. J

    iPod charging after 1.3

    Is this a coincidence? I just updated my 5gb iPod to 1.3. When I try to charge the unit using the power supply, absolutely nothing happens. However, if I use the same firewire cable and attach to my Mac, it charges just fine. Could it be that my charger went out the exact same day that...
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    QT Text tracks - cross platform

    Hi all I've created a number of QT movies that have text tracks. They look great on the mac, but when I view them on the PC, the text's drop-shadow is not transparent, but opaque dithered pixels. Looks really bad. Two questions: 1. Is there a way on the PC side to make the drop...
  6. J

    Why'd that list of files open in that order?

    This is really not a big deal, but has me totally perplexed... Let's say I select a group of files in the Finder and then drag them to an application's icon (e.g., opening them all in Word, Photoshop, etc., or processing them through a droplet created in ImageReady, viewing them in Preview...
  7. J

    CGI Script and SMTP

    :confused: Hi all - After struggling longer than I would have liked, I finally have SMTP working on my Mac OSX Server (10.1.3). It's great. I can now get and receive e-mail using my customized name at my customized URL. Hooray! Now, I'm facing a problem. I'd like to have some forms...
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    Multimedia Authoring in OS X

    I need some advice - I've been using Macromedia Director since version, oh, I don't know 3.0. I really prefer Authorware, but now that it is no longer supported for the Mac, I've been stuck with Director. But now, I have no clear idea when (or if) there will be an OS X version. And, I've...
  9. J

    Volume and Battery Life

    I thought my iPod's battery was faulty, but now I've done tests and found this result: In both conditions, I charged the unit until it said "charged." Then, I started the unit playing "all songs" and also started a stopwatch simultaneously. In test #1, I turned the volume to about 75% -...