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  1. P

    DVD play back issues (do I need a DVD Decoder Card?)

    I've reconfigured the apple dvd player to play dvd's from my external firewire ezquest DVD player. Problem is, after about ten minutes of playing, green boxes appear all over the picture and renders the movie unwatchable. I have a Radeon 7000 graphics card but I have read about DVD Decoder...
  2. P

    how can I play my DVD's?

    I recently hooked up an ezquest external firewire dvd drive to my computer. When I installed os x it didn't install the dvd player. Is there any other os x dvd player software out there? Thanks! Pete
  3. P

    Can my blue & white G3 power a cinema display?

    I have a blue and white G3 (recently updraded to G4) and I have a ATI Radeon 7500 card installed. Is this enough?
  4. P

    Can I make a quicktime recording of my desktop?

    I want to take screenshots to the next level. Anyone know of anyway I can record user flow of a website to a quicktime movie. OSX or classic software? Any help is greatly appreciated.!
  5. P

    I cant see a thing!!

    I accidentialy changed my monitor resolution last night to a setting that is outside of the frequency range and my monitor won't switch back to an acceptible range. When I boot up in 9 using the startup disk it's fine. When I boot up in OS X it switches back to the unacceptible range and all I...