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    Safari prefs?

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    crontab and lynx

    I'm trying to schedule lynx to hit a page every afternoon and download the results to a file. It works fine from the command line, but when i schedule the event from within crontab, I only get an empty file. For example, I have a file called that contains this line: lynx -dump...
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    Safari & Flash Remoting

    Flash Remoting doesn't seem to work in Safari. Looking at the NetConnection Debugger, it seems the service calls are going through, but nothing's coming back. All's well via IE or the FlashPlayer stand-alone.
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    Safari prefs?

    My preferences window is blank. Anyone else?
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    command line history - cursor keys?

    I've noticed in a couple of programs (namely, FTP and sqlplus) my cursor keys don't work. When I'm in the shell, I can go back and forth through the command line history by hitting the up or down arrows, but in these two programs I get ^[[A when I hit the up arrow and ^[[B when I hit the down...
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    Keynote webcast?

    I looked around on Apple and the MacWorld Expo site, but don't see any kind of webcast link for the keynote address. Will there not be one?
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    Software Update claims to have run (but didn't)

    Hello all. Just installed 10.1 and am trying to update to 10.1.5, but when I run Software Update in the System Prefs, it claims to have run today and that there are no new updates available. Is there a preferences file somewhere I can get rid of? thanks, David