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  1. L

    Enable WebDAV in Tiger..

    I´ve found numerous explainations for older systems, but the don´t get me very far.. Anyone who to do the trick? Where is that config file in tiger??? Thanks!
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    funny dock...

    just wanted to share that with you...
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    crt screen get all fuzzy during reinstall of osx on a beige g3

    after my beige g3 hung himself up in a loop during strtup i decided to reinstall the system. but i dont get very far. first i get the the grey osx apple and then the screen looses sync, it get all blury and fuzzy, like when you the vcr send the wrong signal to your tv. rboot to os 9 all fine...
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    How To Delete Smtp Server In Mail

    I Misspelled ( 3s??) A Smtp Server In Mail, And I Don´t Know How To Get Rid Of It. Mail Tries To Use It All The Time, .. Quite Annoying.. Thanks.
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    isync question..

    i deleted all entries on my mobil (68i) because they were inaccurate. now isync wants to delete them on ical, too. how can i make isync refill the calender of my phone with my ical data? also: has anyone else had issues with dates and times trnsferred inaccuratly to the t68i. some dates are a...
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    usb bluetooth disconnests on sleep

    i use an acer usb bleutooth adapter, with 10.2 ( and a 68i). after waking up from sleep sys prefs tell me "bluetooth off" and "device name unavailable". un- and repluggig the usbtooth solves the problem. well, i´m not happy about that. any suggestions? thank you, flo
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    SAFARI .. the little icons next to the web adress..

    in safari i have first seen those little homepage icons next to the adress, and also in the bookmarks. i want to have that to for my site. how to? thank you!
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    how to save mail attachment to disk

    it clearly reads in the file menu "save attachement"...
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    how to save mail attachment to disk

    just got an audio file and would like to play it in itunes. it is shown inline in the message and i don´t know how to free it. thank you.
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    rename the computer

    THANKS FOR YOUR HELP! IT´S EASY WHEN YOU KNOW .. i just installed someone elses hd, and jaust kept his system, and made a new user for myself. can i rename the computer? .. ok. i´ll just ask for the old password, so i´ll be admin. but where do i rename it. like, when i open a finder window on...
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    Hotmail in "Mail" ?

    Thanks all of you. I´m not using Hotmail myself and I had a notion MS was doing this propriatory format thing. A rather computerilliterate friend is already ratehr used to it and I htought there might be a clever workaround, so he could stick with his adress. But an "Impossible!" might convince...
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    Hotmail in "Mail" ?

    Can I retrieve email from a hotmail account in Mail? On I cannot find anz indications on how to do it, but maybe someone of you knows more. Thanks. Flo
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    What happened to "Airport Range Tuning" (Reichweitentuning) ?

    In OS9 there was a nifty litte funcion in the airpotsoftware, which would graph the strength of the base station signal over time, while you moved around your Base to find the best spot with maximum reach to each and every corner of your place? Where did it go? Did Apple drop it? Thank you, Flo
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    What is the HTMLDisplay Framework? I´m locked out…

    Besides Mail Sherlook seems to need this, too, and also fails to launch? How can I repair it? Console log: "dyld: /Applications/ malformed library: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HTMLDisplay.framework/Versions/A/HTMLDisplay (not a Mach-O file, bad...
  15. L

    mail crashes within a bounce!

    I cannot get to my email anymore, since mail doesn´t launch anymore after a normal crash ( "App Mail quits unexpectedly."). Clicked it bounces one or two times in the dock and halts to a rest again. The console tells me it crashed. ( dyld: /Applications/ malformed...