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  1. S

    No more OSX, XP won't install. HELP!

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I think I had a bad copy of XP ( I was using the reinstallation cd from my Windows machine). I got another copy and was able to install Windows, but unfortunately OSX was completely trashed. Fortunately I had my most important files backed up on my iPod, so once I...
  2. S

    No more OSX, XP won't install. HELP!

    Hey David, When I eject the cd, the screen goes black and there's a blinking white cursor in the upper left corner. The keyboard and the mouse don't respond. I rebooted without the cd, held down the option key and the Windows icon popped up with the arrow. I clicked the arrow and was taken...
  3. S

    No more OSX, XP won't install. HELP!

    I think I may have just killed my iMac. :eek: I updated all my firmware, ran bootcamp, burned the drivers cd, and partitioned 30 GB for the XP installation. I insert my Windows cd. Reboot as per instructions. Get Blue Screen -- it wants me to choose a partition to install to. I select C...