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  1. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Wait a minute... OS-X is *NOT* just another UNIX... You are really seeing this from a questionable angle.... Mac OS-X is not - should not - and better not be - just another UNIX... We can quibble over the legal definition of UNIX all year long, but UNIX as we all know is more then just a...
  2. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Ruzz: You are comparing Mac OS-X (a desktop operating system) to a BSD system that is a server... This is seriously flawed from the beginning... Let me try to explain.... BSD is a high-performance server operating system, adding a window manager to it would impact performance... In the...
  3. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    P, Just so you know I am definately a UNIX CLI junkie..... At the same time though, I recognize that MacOS has a whole different set of standards to live up to..... That's why I'm arguing so heavily against the majority of the posts I've seen on - most of which seem to forget...
  4. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Well, I couldn't let the previous post go without comment....... So here I go (again).. Hehehe.. You said: "1: People have been trying to get the *nix platform used on desktop machines, many people have complained at the fact that *nix is not used on the desktop... what has Apple done...
  5. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Well, I can't let this discussion go away so easily..... We aren't to page 60 yet.... ;-) Admiral, Of course you are right..... Experimenting with soemthing is awesome and occassionally things break..... Hopefully, OS-X will encourage the Mac users to wanna know more about UNIX... ;-)...
  6. D

    admin_server probs

    When you get the "premature end of headers" error, can you go to "view source" and see anything?.. Usually when I get this it means some non-header information has already been sent and then your script attempts to send a http header.... Let me know if you see anything with "view source".. -...
  7. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    P, I am extremely glad you posted a message - you are exactly the sort of person I'm trying to fight for here...... I think the reason we may seem "uninterested" in the finder is because many are UNIX folks and anything is better then what they are getting now.... Also, that from what I...
  8. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Admiral, I definately like the looks and technology in the new Cube, although much smaller then the NeXT Cube (obviously) it's just as beautiful to look at (if not more)... On the subject of emulating other environments, in UNIX it would not be very difficult at all.. However, with Aqua it...
  9. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    On the subject of OS-X on Intel: I don't think it's ever going to happen.. Microsoft has embedded themselves too much into the hardware side of things and trying to convince developers to write drivers for another OS running on Intel hardware will be very difficult.. Especially with such...
  10. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Pascal, I went back to page 3 , top 1/3rd and did not see a question from AdmiralAK anywhere... ;> Can you please repaste the question?.... Jaded, Yeah I suppose that is pretty good for us... BTW, I should point out that your ideas for the "gui" interface is exactly what I've been...
  11. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Pascal, What I meant by OS-X not being a "first choice" has nothing to do with it's potential.. The potential is definately there - especially if they can at the same time bring down the cost of ownership of a typic UNIX system.... Yes, it could also be a good UNIX workstation.... ;-)...
  12. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    WoW, there are 3 pages now instead of just 2.. What a spirited discussion!.. thank you everyone!... Everyday, yes OS-X can definately garner the respect of UNIX admins now - that's for sure.... Being able to do 'ps' on a Mac system to a UNIX admin is a dream come true... I would...
  13. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    WoW, so much to respond to.. I don't know where to start...... AdmiralAK, I just wanted to point out that you identified 5 things you like about OS-X... Only one of which has anything to do with the UNIX aspects of OS-X..... As for your second post: "Customization is something...
  14. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    I, of course, respect the past two posts.. But, I think my points (and indeed my view) have been seriously mis-characterized... First of all, I *love* the command line interface.... I'm a major UNIX-head and this is the way *I* like to work... You must understand that first and foremost...
  15. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Pascal, Thanks again for your well articulated comments and you did represent what I was trying to say very well... As always, your comments hit the problem squarely on the head.... ...... Jaded, As for the whole virtual domain/IPNat issues.... Well, lets just say I disagree...
  16. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Pascal and TheDj, I couldn't agree more with your posts.... The question is, how can these issues be addressed in a constructive way?... It does not seem to me that these are a priority right now..... I wonder when/if they will be?... Pascal, your points are *right on the money*, you...
  17. D

    speeding up OS X

    Yes I know about LinuxConfig, etc.. My point is: that is *NOT* the way the Macintosh should work - it has to be reliable and work well.. I am encouraged by your report though - as you said hopefully they will add the other services as well... - Greg
  18. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    Zesty, Once again I find myself in agreement with your overall analysis, but I disagree on one and only one point.... These "features" should be available to Mac users - they are, after all, the ones who have spent all that money up until now on the Macintosh platform... These "gui tools"...
  19. D

    A DNS resolution question

    Hrrm... You also could have created /var/run/resolv.conf.. ;> Also, I'm not sure about this, but does OS-X beta use nsswitch.conf?... If it does you can configure it to look first in the hosts file and then look in DNS if it doesn't find it there.... Since I don't have an OS-X beta system...
  20. D

    Thoughts on OS-X/UNIX/and MacOS

    I sincerely hope that you are correct.... :> I look forward to seeing the final release... And if it is as good as it should be, I will be thrilled... - Greg P.S. I feel like I need to say again that I want to use the CLI, I am more comfortable there... THe problem is, of course, Mac...