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  1. Y

    how to get the media type of all the device connected to system

    Hi, Which api gives the media type information of all the disk/device connected to the computer,i.e fixed/removable/formatted/unformatted. Thanks.
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    kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey fails

    Hi, I have connected to cards and their mount path is "/Volumes/UNTITLED" and "/Volumes/UNTITLED 1". But volumeName = [[dd objectForKey:(NSString *)kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey] copy] always returns "UNTITLED". how can i fix this problem? Thanks.
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    How to unlock a locked file

    Hi, I am trying to delete a files using remove(). But, the locked file fails in remove() . I am looking for the api/function to unlock a locked file. Does anyone knows how to unlock a locked file . Thanks
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    Package Maker : Language Problem

    When license page is shown during installion, it gives option to view the license in different language. Suppose I choose "French", then even the buttons are changes to that language. If i click on "continue", next page content changes to English. Cant i continue viewing the page following...
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    Looking for the replacement of RAPI

    Hi, I want to sync a proprietary Windows CE device(not a cellphone) with Mac. I am looking for the replacement of RAPI for Mac. Thanks.
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    to find if file is open given filepath

    Given the filepath, how can i find whether the file is opened or not by any application in the system? Without using lsof command, i am looking for some function to do it in Tiger .
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    function to check whether the file is open by any application.

    Hi, I have few files in a folder and need to check whether any files are open by some application in folder before deleting the folder. Is there any function in C or Cocoa which will help me in this? I cant use "lsof" command. thanks.
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    to find whether the file is already open

    What is the function in c to find out whether the file is already opened by some application other than lsof?
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    how to find whether the file is already open?

    What is the function/api to find whether the file is already opened by another process/application? -yogi
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    how to mount the same file system in more than one place in mac os x

    how can i mount a same file system(device) in more than one place in mac os x?.
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    how to get type of the drive(removable,fixed,eject) using ioctl and file descriptor

    how to get type of the drive(removable,fixed,eject) using ioctl function and file descriptor? i am able to get blocksize and number of block using ioctl function and file descriptor.
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    list information of unmounted device

    how to list information (like sector size ,block size,...) of a unmounted device in mac ? Is there any sample code for same?
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    how to disable alert panel

    when i try call open api on unmounted device. i get "disk insertion" alert panel. i want to disable this alert panel.
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    show unmounted volumes

    is there any way i can show a media device which is either corrupt or its BPB (zeroth) sector is deleted. there is no file system present in card? Checkforremovablemedia api doesnot work,is there any other api to do same?
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    list disk geometry of a unmounted device in mac

    how to list information (like sector size ,block size,...) of a unmounted device in mac ? Is there any sample code for same?
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    how to list information of a unmounted/corrupt device

    how to list information (like sector size ,block size,...) of a unmounted or corrupt device in mac ? Is there any sample code for same?
  17. Y

    show unmounted volumes

    is there any way i can show a media device which is either corrupt or its BPB (zeroth) sector is deleted. there is no file system present in card? Checkforremovablemedia api doesnot work,is there any other api to do same?
  18. Y

    how to list the unmounted devices

    Hi, I want to know the how to list the unmounted device. i have tried using carbon api checkForRemovalMedia but currently this api is not supported in Mac. Is there any way to list or display unmounted devices?
  19. Y

    how to list unmounted device

    I want to know how to display or list the unmounted device in Mac. To display the unmounted drive , the api is CheckForRemovableMedia . This api is not supported and i am looking for the replacement call.
  20. Y

    open a file with name in korean.

    i am getting the file name in unsigned short(utf16) and i want to open this file using fopen or other api