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  1. P

    System 7 on G3?

    I found some compatible RAM in an old Dell of mine that I assume will work in the iMac, and I'll probably try an external CD-ROM via some jerry riged IDE cable setup if that doesn't work.
  2. P

    System 7 on G3?

    True, I've gotten as far as 22% and 44% on installing Ubuntu on the iMac and it freezes up every time. Now I can't seem to even access the console without it freezing up. And it was giving me I/O errors on hdb, which I was told was the CD-ROM drive. That and it won't even BOOT to the OS 9 CD...
  3. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Does anyone have a spare drive or cable they'd be willing to send me for cheap? I don't want to spend a lot of money on this thing.
  4. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Starting to think it's actually the CD Rom drive, but I have no idea how that could have caused the computer to not boot to OS X. I got the install to 44% this time before it locked up. I'm going to start installing again and then go to work and see if it's fixed or moved at all when I get back.
  5. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Interesting... the last time I finaly got the LiveCD to boot to desktop the Ubunto 6.06.1 ppc CD wasn't visible, but now it is... I wonder if the cable is failing intermitently. Anyone have a spare iMac IDE cable they'd mind shipping me?
  6. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    I'm still using the LiveCD, and I've gotten as far as actually installing the system files with it, but it locked up at 22%. I'm going to give it another try, but I do think something more is wrong with this computer then just not running OS X.
  7. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Well, Ubuntu appears to be installing. Currently partitioning the hard drive. We'll see how this goes. I had to modify some config file to make the iMac's monitor work with Ubuntu, but now it seems to be working smoothly. What makes me curious is why it had problems installing OS X... I guess...
  8. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Guys, I've been trying to install Ubuntu, and when I loaded up the Kernal for no splash screens I keep getting "Buffer I/O error on device hdb, logical block XXXXX" errors. I know for a fact that the HD is good, however it is formated Fat32, but I don't think this should be a problem. Does...
  9. P

    System 7 on G3?

    I figured I wouldn't be able to... now I just need to track down this problem that's causing the computer to have kernal panics every time I try to boot from the OS X CD.
  10. P

    System 7 on G3?

    Is it possible? I'm debating between either running Linux or System 7 on this iMac that I've been working on. It's a G3 with 256MB of RAM and the 700 mhz processor. It was running OS X until it had some sort of catastrophic failure (Which I think I've narrowed down to being either a IDE cable...
  11. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Nevermind, leave it to apple to design some crazy IDE cable for their computers. I don't have an extra. lol
  12. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    I'll try a new IDE cable, but I don't have any extra RAM that is compatible. And yes, everything except the Apple keyboard/mouse is unpluged.
  13. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Alright guys, I tried a spare hard drive that I had and it does the same thing when trying to boot to the Mac OS X CD. Any ideas here? RAM? CPU? What do you guys think?
  14. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    The one line that makes me wonder is the: panic(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access: But as I said, I know nothing about Unix, so that could just be something that happens.
  15. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    I was thinking it might be the hard drive. I'm not sure if you're supposed to be able to even see Mac formated HD's in the bios of a PC, but the first thing I did was remove the HD and set it to slave and put it onto my PC, but the Bios never saw it. Kept saying that Device 1 not found. It...
  16. P

    Boot problems and Kernal Panics

    Alright, let me preface this by saying that I hate being the newb, but I am, so go easy on me... I'm a PC guy, know very little about UNIX, and before this evening had never disasembled a Mac (Unless my old Macintosh II counts... I miss that thing...) Anyways, this is my Roomate's iMac, built...