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  1. S

    Gmail Notifier & MS Messenger

    Unable to logon to Gmail Notifier or MS Messenger using iMAC Intel. Was able to use it fine until the upgrades. Using the Gmail Notifier for MAC, at the Sign-in Box, after inserting the user id or password: SIGN-IN FAILED Using the MS Messgener(forced to use the latest version...
  2. S

    Problems with Msn Messenger on Mac OSX, Belkin 54g

    I had the same problem on my iMAC intel. I found ADIUM to be a super nice messenger which works fine. It is free and worth supporting. You never go back to yahoo or MS Messenger !
  3. S

    iMac G5 unable to startup

    A couple days ago after installing the latest Software Update on my iMAC G5, I was not able to reboot it again. I get the Gery box and it hangs there. I tried to using the Installation CD1, but during the Checking the Destination Disk step, unable to continue due to error and gives me the...