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  1. T

    Help connecting PB w/ Airport to tower on Ethernet

    It's been busy this week, so I haven't been able to work on this a lot, but I did try using the IP address instead of the machine name, as evildan suggested. No dice. I haven't been able to try much else, but at this point, I'm not optimistic, particularly given what Yahtahei said. But thanks...
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    Help connecting PB w/ Airport to tower on Ethernet

    There is no Airport access point. The Linksys does the wireless, so yes the Performa is hooked to it via Ethernet while the PowerBook is on either Airport or Ethernet. Haven't tried ping, but ssh and telnet certainly won't work, will they? It's OS 8.5 on the Performa. I did see one thing at...
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    Help connecting PB w/ Airport to tower on Ethernet

    Here's the scenario: I have a Pismo 500 with an Airport card (10.2.8). I have a Linksys 802.11b router. I have a Performa 6400 (OS 8.5). The Performa houses a nice large HDD that I use to store big things that I only need occasionally. Obviously, the Performa is connected via Ethernet to the...
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    Linksys + WEP + AirPort Card = No workey. Help?

    Okay, I got such good quick help with my speakers question, I've decided to ask another one. Tougher this time. I have the Linksys Wireless Router/Switch/cheese grater hooked up to my cable modem. Everything works just fine over the ethernet, and the wireless works, but I don't like having...
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    Speaker recommendations for an old iMac?

    I'll remember to check for that sound-out jack on the side. Like I said, it's been a while since I looked at one of those early iMacs, but thanks for the tip Jeffo. I just went and bought the speakers down at Fry's Electronics. My brother is lucky I just got a bonus at work, or all he'd be...
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    Speaker recommendations for an old iMac?

    Never mind, I forgot that I can read. I found on the JBL page where it says it will work with "all Macs with a headphone jack." Thanks for your help.
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    Speaker recommendations for an old iMac?

    Thanks Natobasso. I'm leaning towards those JBL Creature speakers. Those will just plug into the headphone jack on the iMac, correct? (That's a 3.5 mm jack, right? I can't find decent specs that say anything other than "headphone jack" in the Knowledge Base, and it has been so long since I...
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    Speaker recommendations for an old iMac?

    My little brother is stuck with one of the old iMacs, the original style (Rev. B, I think. Certainly no newer than Rev. C anyway). One of the things he put on his Christmas list was for some decent speakers. (He has a large MP3 collection) Can anyone recommend a decent set of speakers that...