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  1. Z

    Cover Flow Order Wrong

    "Compilation" flag off. All albums in correct order. Thank you, assorted Mac/iPod veterans. I bow to your skill and experience
  2. Z

    Apple Lossless and non-iTunes iPod Managers

    I have an 80GB iPod Classic filled with Apple Lossless tunes. There are loads and loads of non-iTunes iPod managers that allow you to sync music from an iPod to a computer, but I'm not sure which, if any, work with Apple Lossless. Does anyone know of one that does? Much appreciated
  3. Z

    Cover Flow Order Wrong

    I'm using a 80GB iPod "Classic", syncing with itunes a library of Apple Lossless. After having synced the first 60 or 70 albums I imported into iTunes before connecting the ipod, new albums that I add and then sync (I'm using the "sync entire library' option) aren't appearing in Cover Flow in...