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  1. B

    new powerbooks tuesday, i can feel it.

    this time it's for real. i've consulted the stars, the zodiac, the celestial spheres, the ancient satallites, the heavenly orbs and the sky gods, and the all tell me one thing: "twinkle twinkle twinkle" (trans. There's new powerbooks tuesday):p
  2. B

    No more PowerBook... now we play the waiting game...

    I don't want to whinge, no wait - yes i do. Some prick stole my f***ing powerbook! my little baby, with everything in the world on it, all my music, all my files, contacts, emails, intellectual property, all my clients work, EVERYTHING. AND i'd only just applied the very cool firmware patch...
  3. B

    I'll bet 15" AluBook out tomorrow.. (just a guess)

    don't ask me how or why, but i'm willing to stake my claim-to-fame on betting the 15"ers are about to be announced. That's tomorrow morning in our time in Australia, or in a few hours over in the US of A. ;) and try not to beat me down when they don't come out.. (btw, check out how...
  4. B

    17" PowerBook

    No-one picked it! GOLD!!!!!