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  1. P

    Microsoft Word: Different Language

    So, I just got Microsoft Word, and it is in Deutsch. Needless to say, I don't speak Deutsch. Does anyone know any way I can change the language on it, or get an application that can change it for me or something? Thank you.
  2. P

    Problem Installing AIM

    Alright thank you :D
  3. P

    Problem Installing AIM

    So, I just got a Mac, and I'm trying to download AIM, but whenever I do, it comes up as a QuickTime file. So then, I tried deleting Quicktime off my comp...and AIM opens in Excel. WTF?! I have no clue what to do. If anybody could help that would be awesome. I have a MacBook Pro, and yes I...
  4. P

    Help with Uninstalling!

    Yeah, so I go into my Applications, then go to Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive then inside that file I only have Microsoft Word, Office, and Shared Applications. Inside those there is no Additional Tools.
  5. P

    Help with Uninstalling!

    Errr....where's this at?
  6. P

    Help with Uninstalling!

    Hi, I am trying to uninstall Microsoft Office 2004 off of my MacBook Pro and I cannot figure out how to do it. I've tried moving it to my Trash and Emptying it, but it just says that "Operation cannot be completed because the item "US English Spelling Dictionary" is in use." I click continue...