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  1. B

    Cocoa - Closing Windows / Dock Clicking / pllist files

    i am using the delegate now. thanx for that. documentation on doing this is very very thin. i actiually found that out by emailing apple's cocoa-feedback email. i whinged and said that it was weird that such things either didnt exists or were not documetned well. A also indirectly insulted...
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    Cocoa - Closing Windows / Dock Clicking / pllist files

    thanx - but i am specifically looking for something when someone clicks t he red close button in the window, to diable the menu items which also close a window
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    Cocoa - Closing Windows / Dock Clicking / pllist files

    How do i, in cocoa : obj-c do something when someone clicks the close button on a window? i am trying to find this out so that when they do it i can ask them if they want to quit. Then if they do I quit the app, otherwise they have to click the dock to bring the window back or file:new (i...
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    newbie question on NSTableView (obj-c cocoa)

    how do i read the contents of a cell in an NSTableView called tableView. I looked at apples examples and they are all single column versions. i have three columns which have identifiers. please help. thanx.
  5. B

    Argh! Programming help needed!

    to get the general idea, RB is ok i personaly find that the only downside of the dev tools is that they dont have those little drop down lists to help you out. but, they are free. I find that to me and alot of other people (ask apple :)) the dev tools and obj-c cocoa APIs are really easy to...
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    i know. and i know about the address book sample. the problem is that none of them cover simple things really. I can, now, add, insert and remove data but i still dont know how to read it. i have a whole lot of numbers that i am going to add up. that s all. thanx anyways :)
  7. B


    Can someone send me @ or post here the source code to add and read data from a NSTableView. If possible code to remove data would also be appreciated. Could you please fully document it aswell. EDIT: I program in cocoa-objc btw. Thanx