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    Image OS drive to RAID1

    I just realized Carbon Copy Cloner is freeware. Any other opinions on this? Think this program will accomplish what I need? I'd be happy to donate if it did what I need.
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    Image OS drive to RAID1

    Hello, I have a 10.5.3 XServe. The OS is on an 80GB drive and there are two more 1TB drives that are mirrored (RAID1). How can I move the OS to the RAID1 partition for redundancy? I don't really need the 80GB drive in there. Maybe keep it for extra storage, but not a necessity. I...
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    Funky problem with 10.3.9, please read

    No network connectivity whatsoever on dual 1.8ghz G5 10.3.9. Built-in ethernet says not connected. Physically switched the Cat-5 cable. When I plug the cable into my MacBook, it gets DHCP just fine. Airport says "on" but not connected to a network, and there are no networks showing up...
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    can i share files between os X and XP?

    I know this is a really old thread, but this is what a Google search turned up. 8) I have a MacBook Pro with 10.5. With Boot Camp, I also have a 32GB FAT partition running Win XP Pro SP3 smoothly. I'd like to do what this guy was wanting to do. Have OSX, have Windows on an NTFS partition...