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  1. N

    Best Handbrake Settings for AppleTV

    I have run into some glitches lately, when I updated to the recent version of handbrake, my settings stopped making ipod friendly files... but I think I am back on track I use the appletv setting in handbrake 0.8.5 change it to 2-pass and change the codec from h.264 to .mp4 the resulting...
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    External HD/D refusing to mount

    when you ran disk warrior were you able to recover the data as well as the drive? or were you forced to reformat the drive in order to mount it?
  3. N

    ADC to VGA?

    Abodo, that's exactly what I did as well, and it works perfectly. I bought the ADC to DVI from B&H photo and I had several DVI to VGAs lying around (they come with all new macs) My new monitor comment was for vista, as he/she said his/her mac only had ADC and VGA and he/she wants to run 2 vgas
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    ADC to VGA?

    just a thought... given the age of your mac (if it has ADC and VGA video) and the relatively low cost of new monitors (with DVI connections) a better investment than a new video card, would probably be a new DVI monitor and the ADC to DVI converter. then ADC - DVI monitor with adapter VGA -...
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    Making My Mac Wireless -Help!

    which mac do you have? the airport extreme cards can be had on in the refurb section for $29 (where I got one for my g5, works great and it was installed in seconds)
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    Airport doesn't connect to preferred network

    try rebuilding your keychain? that should write over the old WEP key??
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    External HD for iTunes

    what you CAN do is format your ipod as PC (it will still work perfectly on your mac at home and you can reload it from home) and then when you mount your ipod on your work PC, just play the music from itunes and your ipod. You can turn off syncing and manually update it from either machine. cheers
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    ADC to VGA?

    it works perfectly 2 monitors from the stock card ADC to DVI - for apple cinema DVI to VGA - for VGA monitor
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    What gets copied, what not...

    question for apple: why on earth can't you manually manage what goes on your apple tv like you can an ipod? for that matter the iphone as well i hate syncing
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    ADC to VGA?

    the way I'm planning on trying my dual monitor set up is ADC to DVI - for apple cinema display DVI to VGA - for mothballed VGA monitor I'll post here when this thing ships to let you know if I had any success cheers!
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    ADC to VGA? B&H Photo in Manhattan carries an ADC to DVI for a very reasonable price - $28.95...
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    Best Handbrake Settings for AppleTV

    i use .mp4 with no problems
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    Stop iphoto

    I guess there's no way to have iphoto open when you attach a camera card, but not when you attach an iphone bummer
  14. N

    Best Handbrake Settings for AppleTV

    I found a sweet spot for appletv, ipod and iphone video rips by using the Appletv setting and changing it to 2-pass. It takes twice as long, but the image is much brighter and the resulting file works on all 3 medium (as well as on my mac via itunes or quick time The newest version has a...
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    ADC to VGA?

    I had thought the same thing HOWEVER, we had an old ADC monitor sitting in a closet here, so for kicks and giggles i hooked it up to the ADC on my g4 and now i am running 2 monitors one DVI and one ADC I see no reason why if you converted the ADC to VGA it would not work as well