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  1. D

    Pulling Frame Images from Video to file using Objective-C

    I have verified that all the objets were successfully created, but its possible that I have errors elsewhere that I just haven't found. I'm attaching the whole little program (I know that I don't actually have the file names updating with each frame yet). Thanks! #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>...
  2. D

    Pulling Frame Images from Video to file using Objective-C

    I'm writing a simple program using Objective C to run a QTMovie file, extract each video frame, and save it to file. I have debugged and debugged and debugged and have one problem I can't seem to get around. I currently have an NSImage that is returned from currentFrameImage and then tried...
  3. D

    Cocoa not converting NSImage

    I am writing a small program in Objective-C to retrieve individual frames from a quicktime movie. I have debugged and debugged and debugged and have one problem I can't seem to get around. I currently have an NSImage that is returned from currentFrameImage and then tried to convert to .TIFF...