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  1. K

    iBook G4 freezes sporadically

    I disassembled this iBook and checked all connectors in the process. I took it all the way to removing the hard drive. Not sure which connector was loose, but upon reassembling the iBook, the problem has gone away (knock on wood!). Don't know yet if I have permanently solved the problem, but...
  2. K

    iBook G4 freezes sporadically

    A new detail, that I just realized in my G4 problem, is that if I do not move the iBook, it runs without freezing. If I move it, even slightly, it freezes up. This makes me suspicious of a loose connection, or bad hard drive. Ken
  3. K

    iBook G4 freezes sporadically

    I have the exact same problem. My G4 had Leopard on it when I got it. I tried repairing permissions and repairing the disk. Still, it freezes. I then erased the drive, repartitioned and re-installed with the system disk (Panther), and upgraded to Tiger. No joy! I still get a freezing system...