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  1. B

    Slow Speed problems

    oh yeah its a verizon modem model # GT704WG I was at the interfac but i didnt know where too look to see if anyone tagged on. And whats WEP2? anyway thanx for the info and....... yeah about that manual .
  2. B

    Slow Speed problems

    yeah ipscanner and i searched for different ones and i couldnt find 1 that worked
  3. B

    Slow Speed problems

    It dont work It just exits out for no reason
  4. B

    Slow Speed problems

    OK I guess that was a hint. Thank you. and u never answered the PM so i couldnt thank you without an answer but.... IP scanner helps so Thanx again
  5. B

    Slow Speed problems

    Hey changing the preferences did make a difference in the speed of surfing A BIG PLUS THANK U MUCH and i downloaded onyx im seeing how it works now and...... id really like to know a way to make sure noone is stealing my connection...and i will check the slow speed link too so I have work 2...
  6. B

    Slow Speed problems

    OK sorry geez.. I have more than 10 % available. I dont know about anyone stealing, OK ill try system prefs, and ok, so what is my problem? And how do i know if (Is your Modem or Router OPEN to others to steal the bandwidth via WIFI?)
  7. B

    Slow Speed problems

    sorry for the impatience but i accidentally posted that second message and and this guy was pokin fun. I though i lost u guys 4 ever
  8. B

    Slow Speed problems

    well im kinda using verizon and plus i dont know any thing about that website and their Dns servers. i wasnt planning to switch DNS server. isnt there another way to speed up this comp?
  9. B

    Slow Speed problems

    Hallo?? anyone home?? any suggestions???
  10. B

    Slow Speed problems

    HALLO??? Anyone home??? Im being honest here. Do you have any suggestions at all?
  11. B

    Slow Speed problems

    I gave my answer bud.. Any way it takes very long for a page to load and im having problems even checking email cuz its so slow.
  12. B

    Slow Speed problems

    I have a emac With Mac OSX version 10.3.9 and my browsers are mozilla opera navigator and safari All are slow
  13. B

    Slow Speed problems

    oh lol sorry the speed of the web browsers adn most of my programs are running slow Especially the internet
  14. B

    Slow Speed problems

    Slow Speed problems