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  1. Z


    Yeah - I already put in an order for the new Time Capsule, but thought I could get this one working for a few more weeks. Any advice regarding Tiger OS and Time Capsule? Obviously Leopard would be better, but I'm not sure my iBook G4, 1.33 GHz, 1.25 GB Ram is up to the challenge of running...
  2. Z


    Thanks Christopher, I can't seem to get the base station back to it's default configuration. I sometimes can see it in Airport Admin, but when I try to configure it, it disappears. It very rarely appears in my airport menu, and it won't accept the password when I try to access it as "other"...
  3. Z


    I can see the base station in my Airport menu, and can actually connect with other computers through the base station, but I can't get the internet signal (which I know is coming from the modem, since I can connect to the internet using the cable) to get through the base station to my computer...
  4. Z


    My Airport base station that I've been using for several years has operated with several different modems. I've just recently switched servers, and the base station isn't delivering the signal. If I plug my iBook directly into the modem via ethernet, I can access the internet. I can see the base...