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  1. U

    FTP Sharing.. big security problem

    Thank You for response Ok, I turn on guest account (for connet to share folders). Next i add "xyz" account (only for share) and i add share folder: Screen (legend: "tylko odczyt" - "only read" , "odczyt i zapis" - "read and write" ) I get this error when i'm try connect with my server...
  2. U

    FTP Sharing.. big security problem

    Thank You elander for respone, Ok i turn on guest acount. I add user "xyz" only for share. If i try connect to my ftp with login xyz i get error : What now is wrong?:)
  3. U

    FTP Sharing.. big security problem

    Hi, Sorry i dont speak english very well... I know how i must share some folder on macosx. But this doesnt work. For example i want share on ftp only one folder "test" (/Users/us3r/test). I add only this folder in System Preferences -> Sharing -> File Sharing. But if i connect with my ftp i...