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  1. H

    Mac os x 10.4.11 - only boots with CD now

    Hi Thanks for your response. Here's the thing, imagine i've booted to the installation disk for 10.4, run disk util, exited disk util, and am now back at the install screen, so I 'continue', 'agree' to conditions/policies, then comes the part where you chose "select destination". and there...
  2. H

    Mac os x 10.4.11 - only boots with CD now

    Hi - I'm running the above os on a PowerBook G4 with about 1/2 gig memory and about 1/2 of the drive used. I'm happy to say, I've not had one problem.... till now. Yesterday all was well. This morning I cannot boot the laptop. When I turn it on, I get (eventually) a black box that says (in...