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  1. D

    Reoccurring 'stuttering' problem with OS and applications

    Didn't seem to work... I'm really confused by this. I also followed directions at to perform routine maintenance for my Mac... still didn't seem to fix the "stuttering". Does anyone else have a clue of what I can try? Why this would be happening? Or has...
  2. D

    Reoccurring 'stuttering' problem with OS and applications

    Okay, I will try this when I get home. I was always an avid PC user and had a good base of knowledge to fix them. However, I am learning performance tricks and other options to troubleshoot with. I am curious, what led you to believe this may fix my issue? Is there a preference somewhere...
  3. D

    Reoccurring 'stuttering' problem with OS and applications

    I've owned my iMac for around two years. For a long time (and for about 6-8 months after installing Leopard) my Mac ran flawlessly. However, about a month ago, I noticed first in iTunes that when working moving through the song list, playing songs, or performing other general tasks, the iMac...