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  1. A

    for you linux/bsd junkies out there....

    Well yeah, the answer is technically correct but I wonder if that is what was intended. A construction like find / -name * -print | grep test lists all the file names and then filters out only those file names that have the word "test" in them (and not for example Test or TEST...
  2. A

    installing downloaded dev tools

    "gunzip PublicBeta_Developer.tgz | gnutar -xvf -" also known as: "tar -xzvf PublicBeta_Developer.tgz"
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    Some Unix Knowledge

    Then again... real Unix programmers use emacs ;-) From within emacs you can navigate around the file system with lightspeed, start compilations, perform debugging and that all (almost) without typing in the commands. The apple developer tools may soon make emacs extinct but I don't...
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    developer tools

    No need to stumble with Darwin tool anymore, in their infinite wisdom Apple finally put the developer tools in the ADC section. Here is how I got it to work, I am sure there must be an easier way since this was a bit painful. I downloaded the file in Os 9 and did the rest in Os X. So...