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    Mac Mail Crashing on startup.

    After my wife did the last security update on her intel macbook running 10.4.11, Mail and Safari both crash on start up. Any idea how to fix this?
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    Mail Crashes on startup

    Thanks Satcomer, I thought it worked, it actually came up for a second and checked mail then Boom it quit.... Any other ideas?
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    Mail Crashes on startup

    And now I'm finding out it's the network pane crashing...What the heck is up with apple? Sending an update that causes all of these problems?
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    Mail Crashes on startup

    Hey guys, I hate to bother ya'll if this has been asked and answered, but I can't find a thread about it. I did a search and went through about 100 pages... My wife did a security update on her Macbook (Intel running 10.4.11) the other day and ever since then Mail crashes and so does Safari...
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    Intel Imac internal hard drive issues

    Hi, I need some help with my iMac. I was in the process of erasing the internal drive and starting over with a fresh install of 10.4.7, I had a power outage in the middle of the process and now NOTHING works, I can't partition, erase or use first aid. I get input output errors. Any ideas?
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Any idea what that will cost on an intel iMac?
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Ok I tried the firewire hook up to my other intel and I got an error on start up, saying the disk needs to be initialized. I clicked it and it opened disk utility. Then I clicked on the disk, still can't do anything with it. I try to partition it and it goes into the spinning circle.
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Starting up with firewire external HD and using disk utility Partition failed with the error Input/output error
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Would that be the same as starting it up with an external HD? I did that, and used the disk utility to no avail. I'll try it again.
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    I really hate to break open the Imac, I am no tech guru. I work with my hands but with much bigger machines. LOL No other way huh? Dang, Well how about some S.O.P on it? a standard operating procedure a step by step instruction manual?
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Thanks for the quick reply, I have tried that, I get a "input output error after several minutes of waiting. I have also tried to "zero data" and I get the same error. The drive shows up in the window, but when I click I can't verify or repair disk, the buttons are gray'd out. Thanks for your help
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    Intel iMac Internal HD issues.

    Hello all, I am a die hard mac user, (proud owner of 5 of them ) recently a friend of mine came to me with an issue, his Computer would not boot up, when it finally did it took over an hour, I brought it to my house, and backed up all of the data on his hard drive. I the used disk utility to...