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  1. 0

    Tiff transfer

    Hey thanks thats great! Took me a little while to get it working but I think that it is perfect. Cheers
  2. 0

    Tiff transfer

    Hey thanks for your help. Unfortunately I am using very temperamental custom made software that will only read the Tiff in windows format. Do you know of any way that I can deal with the data fork/resource fork issue? Or perhaps a good place to get info on this? I would like to think that...
  3. 0

    Tiff transfer

    Hey All, I need to transfer a bunch of Tiff files from Mac to PC. They are files that have been scanned onto my Mac, converted to "Windows" byte order (is that little endian or big endian?) and I then want to transfer them via an external hard drive (NTFS format) to the PC. This is all...