Search results

  1. B

    Microsoft Active Directory in Mac OSX

    I am evaluating ADmitMac this week to see how it goes with this. I will post and let you guys know how it's going. Just waiting on the evaluation serial key :)
  2. B

    Microsoft Active Directory in Mac OSX

    Now that's what I was look for :) I appreciate it. Sucks though.....somebody should be working on that lol.
  3. B

    Microsoft Active Directory in Mac OSX

    Searching for a Windows machine on our college's domain (by computer name) can be done in Entourage and Address Book?? Can't say I would know how that is done.
  4. B

    Microsoft Active Directory in Mac OSX

    See this part I do know. I know how to integrate macs into Active Directory because we already do that here on campus. What I really needed though was to figure out I how I can view Window's machines on a mac. Using Active Directory on the "parallels side" of things I am able to search...
  5. B

    Microsoft Active Directory in Mac OSX

    Hi was wondering if you could help me out. I work for a college as an IT Support Specialist and currently the only thing I have yet to find that I can use in mac OSX is Microsoft Active Directory. I use this to search for computer names as well as to remove and add computers to our college...