Search results

  1. D

    iTunes version for 10.0.4?

    I'm trying to find a version of iTunes that will run on Mac OS X 10.0.4. refuses to let me download any version except 2.0.3, which refuses to run on any system older than 10.1.1 Upgrading to 10.1.x is not an option ($$) - at least until Cisco buys-out the start-up that...
  2. D

    Equivalent of linux command `newgrp`?

    What is the BSD equivalent of the Linux command <tt>newgrp</tt>? `id` shows that my account belongs to several groups (staff, admin, wheel). 'staff' is the currently "active" one. That is, if I create a file it's group is 'staff'. But I would like to change the currently "active" group...