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  1. S

    Battery Not Charging

    Apparently my Macbook's battery is refusing to charge. I haven't used my Mac for a week (give and take) so I figured that the battery must be dead, I plugged it in and turned it on, after turning it on it turned on as if it were on sleep mode (showing me the screen-saver); however, the...
  2. S

    Trouble in Flickr-Mac iPhoto

    I have a Yahoo! Flickr account, I acquired my account a couple of months ago, I am now a "pro" user. If I edit a photo using iPhoto (i.e, sharpening, boosting saturation... etc) and then click done, then drag and drop the photo on my desktop (to upload it) it is uploaded as it was prior the...
  3. S

    Certain Websites Refuse to Open?

    There's a certain website that I visit regularly, but I can't seem to be able to visit it ever since I downloaded the new Leopard 10.5.6. I restarted then tried to open it but it says "Safari can't open the webpage" and when I tried FireFox it said the same thing. So I tried opening the site...
  4. S

    Mac Trash Won't Empty Downloads

    If I download an app or anything as a matter of fact, I can't delete it. The Trash refuses to empty but I hear the sound it plays when it used to empty normally. This problem occurred when I wanted to set a wireless printer, the printer required downloading an app which I downloaded; and later...