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  1. C

    SD Card issues

    I found the MS DOS format option and renamed all 115 photos in simple sequential form. I'll let you know how the transfer goes.
  2. C

    SD Card issues

    Thanks. But in disk utility, I don't see a format option for FAT or MS-DOS (which I DID see when I first put it in before formatting for Mac OS). So I do have a Windows machine which I can try if needed. But if I reformat to FAT, will I have the same problem earlier, which was that...
  3. C

    SD Card issues

    Trying to transfer photos from iMac (G5 OS X 10.4.11) to an SD 2G card, so that I can mount them onto a digital picture frame for a gift (COBY 8.4 inch). First created a folder with all the photos I wanted to transfer. Total picture file is 132M, SD card should hold thousands of photos. Mounted...