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  1. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    hope so.. and if i have the same problem THEN, i am going to call apple myself and give them an earful!!
  2. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    wow... oh well. but hey dude, you taught me how to install adobe =P "view package contents -> unarchive the .pax" danke i appreciate your help
  3. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    i've done that, i've come across a folder that contains folders that say "system" and "applications", applications includes a folder called utilities and that folder contains what appears to be a corrupted installer app, it appears to be corrupted because it shows a piece of paper and pencil...
  4. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    i did already! but the problem is, is that the 'installer update' in .PKG format anyway, so i can't run the update anyways because my installer quits on me lol see what i mean by paradox??
  5. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    same problem as always "the application installer quit unexpectedly" something must be wrong with some system files.... this is really frustrating
  6. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    okay this is really weird when i went to my utilities folder, the installer was GONE. M I A, Gooone. and then i put yours in there, ran it, and the same thing happened. uhhh... did i get one of those renowned "impossible to get" mac viruses or did i completely mess up my computer somehow long...
  7. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    i found a thing on apple's website that says "installer update" what more?? It's a .pkg itself! go figure. **SIGH** couldn't somebody just.... e-mail me a copy of their installer...? i'm going NUTS here. for the best computing company in the world apple really does like to make things confusing...
  8. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    i have a tiger dvd... how would i extract installer from the disc...?
  9. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    iMac G5 1.9 GHz, 512mb memory OSX 10.5.6 please let me know if i forgot to include a detail your help is greatly appreciated!!
  10. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    no no no no... it's EVERY pkg file i try to install =( adobe's fine. and the problem is, is that i CANNOT install it from the leopard disk, cause my ex upgraded my imac g5 to leopard from his disk and we don't even talk anymore lol what can i do?
  11. daegu

    Installer application paradox

    Okay this one's tricky.. For me anyway. Every time I open a .pkg file or even simply just run installer, the icon bounces for a about a minute and then the installer quits and a dialogue box pops us telling me that it has unexpectedly quit, and If I reopened installer from that box the same...