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  1. D

    Mail Templates - Customizing

    At my workplace we're trying to figure out a way to have fillable form letters that we can send to students using Mail templates. I've already sorted out how to make my own template in Mail and have a snazzy looking template all set up and ready to go. But the problem comes in when I try to make...
  2. D

    Mail Templates - Customizing

    At my workplace we're trying to figure out a way to have fillable form letters that we can send to students using Mail templates. I've already sorted out how to make my own template in Mail and have a snazzy looking template all set up and ready to go. But the problem comes in when I try to make...
  3. D

    Is there a way or is there an app that creates "templates" in Mail?

    Yeah, I didn't see the date at first, then I figured maybe somebody out there is searching the forums for the same type of thing and this'll help!
  4. D

    Is there a way or is there an app that creates "templates" in Mail?

    MacTank bought MailTemplate from Abracode. I have it running on my Leopard machine, so I assume it would be fine with Tiger. Link