Search results

  1. S

    First Illus, Quark, Pshop versions for OS X?

    I want to buy old, cheep (familiar) software to run under 10.5.8 on a PPC Mac Mini, and it is hard for me to find out for sure what are the earliest versions of Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop which will do this. I think Quark 6, Photoshop 7, Illustrator 7 were the first versions that were OS...
  2. S

    NoobProof 1.2 instructions

    Sadly, I don't think I understand the help file for this firewall interface, i.e., when "Activate NoobProof" should be checked or unchecked. For example, which should it be when you quit? One aspect of this is that every time I launch the app the bottom three checkboxes in the "Options" menu...
  3. S

    Using a neighbor's wireless internet

    My post was redundant.