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  1. K

    Target disk mode not working!

    Hi all, I have a MBP with a 320 WD HHD. I recently fried the 4GB ram which was install this has been sent back to Crucial and I was wondering should I be able to still enter the 320 via Target Disk mode. When I hold down 'T' upon start up nothing happens, blank screen and blinking front light...
  2. K

    SOS Help please...

    thankyou for the Help I will look into carbon Copy!
  3. K

    SOS Help please...

    Hello fellow MAC enthusiasts, I have a slight issue and I am not tech savvy enough to be able to deal with it. I have a MacBook and MacBookPro both with Leopard on. I have replaced the MBP HHD with a new DigiWestern 320G and would like to copy the transfer all files and software from...