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  1. R

    ftp sites from a mac

    you can use ftp command from terminal, it is pretty cool.
  2. R

    DISPLAY environment problem

    Hi folks and geeks, I have found out what was wrong and it is not the DISPLAY variable causing the problem, but there was a slash missing in my $PS1 variable setting. Now my correct variable setting is as below, export PS1="${BLUE}\u${BLACK}@\$(bat) ${MAGENTA}\W:${BLACK}" Now...
  3. R

    Run a unix command on startup

    create a launchd.conf file, if one is not already existing (I believe, it should not exists, unless you or someone have created already). Enter the command, which you want to run on startup. It should work. Post back your experiences for the benefit of other members.
  4. R

    Mac x11 terminal dosen’t start.?

    Could please post you .bashrc .profiles or check them for any wrong thing. For this, you may install iTerm! (I heared iTerm is much better than Terminal, I am using terminal, though). Post your experiences, so that it may be useful to forthcoming users.
  5. R

    DISPLAY environment problem

    Hi friends, I am new to this forum. After some googling, found this, site and felt like, real geek's are here. I have a problem in my DISPLAY environment (if I am not wrong). I have customized my command prompt in terminal. My $PS1 goes like this, export...